Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shocked like an ASS

Hello Everyone!

What a last couple of days. I'm still working on getting this sinus infection out of my face, and I hope it doesn't last much longer. I've been turning into a retired old man. My afternoon walk is the highlight of the day, and I love it. Todays walk will be the highlight of the week. 

It has been warming up, and it's turning into hoodie weather. To Embrace the sun we went for our walk right after lunch. We started off into the country side, and right before we crossed THE line from city to country we spot the cutest friendliest dog in a yard, and since the french don't seem to be the most personable people, we decided to take the time to make a new friend. She loved us up, and we loved her back, she would get so into it she would practically pull her body over backwards to try to get the pets in over the fence. Her owner Bruno (more like a dog name if you ask me) came out and immediately asked if we wanted her (we did) He's selling the house and the dog stays there all day with no one because he has moved into an apartment and can't keep her there. We have the same predicament. So after we left we pondered, Maybe we could rent the place until he finds a buyer, and then we could have the dog too.

We kept moving but before I move on Today I fell in love with a dog, yesterday I fell in love with a guitar. It was a Dobro lap steel guitar, and boy does it have a sound. My fantasy is to sit out on the porch this summer with tina at my feet and my guitar on my lap playing some blues like there is no tomorrow.

So anyway back to our walk. We cross the line into country folk territory and come across a stream, and with my affinity to running water I had to stop and take a million pictures, and with my susceptibility to running water it made me NEED to pee. 
So I let the mood move me and started taking a leak sort of under the road behind a bush and up came a pair of granny feet (Gigi would like to add "her curious eyes shortly fallowing there after") I don't think she saw anything. ANYWAY, we make our way back up to the road to find the owner of the feet. 
(This may be an unfair picture, she wasn't THIS crazy. she looks like a Sith Lord)

An old lady all bundled up in all beige around 70 years of age. She proceeds to banter like no ones business in french to Gigi, which is surprising because we haven't been able to get anyone to say hello to us on the street. She talks to Gigi about the power lines of Gueret, and the two oldest houses in town, she also insists to walk us to, and show us the interstate (???) She started picking up that I didn't speak french so she tried her hand at english, which was not bad at all. It was better than my french. She was a professor in Limoges, and has lived in Gueret for the past 7 years since her retirement. 

As she walked with us, I continued to take pictures (this is my favorite part of this story) I see an ass in a doorway and I can't resist taking a picture.
 I walk up to the fence which is just a mesh fence with a nylon rope running across the top. The donkey hesitantly walks up to me, and jumps a bit when I lower my camera. I reach over the fence to lure the donkey closer. He sniffs at my fingers, and right as I touch the bridge of his nose ZAPP! At first I thought it was a static shock, then quickly realize that that nylon rope isn't so much a rope as its a charged piece of devastation. Man that sucked. I swore up a storm which didn't faze our guest walker a bit, which was nice.

We continued on towards the freeway with the professor chatting off Gigi's ear, only stopping to check if the english she was sprinkling into her conversation was correct. We parted ways with our new friend once we made it to the freeway, and gave her a head start so we wouldn't cross paths again.

The walk back was a little less eventful, we crossed a domestic abuse situation, and thats it.  A brood of kids were crawling over a fence away from a screaming man wielding a piece of terra-cotta, which apparently came off his roof. I don't know how the kids broke a roof three stories up, but they did. Unfortunately the kids I believe were squatting with their mother in a house with no windows, and a large power cord roped through the open front door. I tried to take a picture of the ragamuffins with out being too rude, cause they were cute kids even in the condition they were in. We didn't get far before we heard from behind us a woman SCREAMING at the top of her lungs, point blank range in the kids face. She was saying she was going to call the police, and what brats they were. It brought back warm feelings of me and the crew being yelled at by grandmas neighbors for running around the apartments, throwing ice chunks at cars, breaking retaining walls, and the like. Oh, how it is to be young. Thank god we never did it in France, cause that lady sounded brutal.

We ended the walk with a stroll through the cemetery. It was quite lovely with the sun going down. It didn't last very long, because like the old retired man that I strive to be, I knew a nap wasn't far away.

Other than that, We have been playing a lot of pinochle, and watched plenty of movies. Vicky, Christina, Barcelona was the latest, and that was fantastic. It's Woody Allen's latest, and it is beyond sexy. We had a painting session to express our emotions (and bodily functions) We also have been eating good, and look forward to our dinning Blog "Eating out Guertet" with sequels to fallow such as "Eating out Paris"

Well you all got me here safely with your wishes, could you wish away my cold? More importantly we just found out Gigi's friend Brianna's dad just had a hospital visit, and my good friend Sam has recently lost a grandpa and a cousin, so if you could keep these people in your prayers and thoughts, they will do the same for you in your dark times.

LOVE -K. Alexander

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